Narda Safety Test Solutions, initially established as PMM in the 1970s, specializes in the radiofrequency domain. Today, it has diversified into the design, manufacturing, and distribution of EMC and SAFETY measurement instruments and systems. NARDA STS is equipped for radiated measurements with an open-air measurement site (O.A.T.S. Open Area Test Site).
Since 1980, through the Radioelectric Measurement Center (“CMR”), it has been performing measurement and consulting services in the field of RF measurements in general and electromagnetic compatibility in particular, and as SIT No. 008 center of the National Calibration Service.
Sede Legale, Direzione, Produzione, Sviluppo e Laboratori, Assistenza Clienti:
Via Benessea 29/B – 17035 Cisano sul Neva (SV) – ITALIA
Tel. +39 0182 58641
Partita IVA IT 00972040091 – Socio Unico
Nr. Reg. Imp. 00972040091 – REA – SV103578
Cap. Soc. € 102.960,00 i.v. – RAEE – IT08030000004597